View single post by Mike Aubuchon
 Posted: 11-15-2013 04:34 am
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Mike Aubuchon


Joined: 03-13-2005
Location: Surprise, Arizona USA
Posts: 20

The dash panels are flat. The dash itself is metal with the finished dash material covering it. This gives you some irregular surfaces and angles to fit and mount to. Be creative. I used 1/4" cherry veneered plywood on the face. Use a pencil to layout the size and shape of the panels on your matirial and cut them a little oversized. This allowed for sanding the edges to the correct final size and shape. Take your time.  I glued the glove box panel to a backer panel to get the thickness correct. Layout and cut the holes. The glovebox latch hole was the hardest part. I glued an additional block to the back of the backer after drilling the hole to match the angle of the latch.  The block filled the remaining small gap at the botttom of the latch hole. Finally I hand sanded the hole to fit the latch. With a litttle wood filler and a lot of patience the results look and fit pretty good.I used a small chisel to remove some of the material at the backside of the lightswitches as necessary. Stain seal and poly the pieces and you are ready to install. Make sure you seal or poly the backside also. This keeps moisture from bowing or warping your pieces.

Hope this helps.
