View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 10-16-2013 05:44 pm
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
Having pulled the engine both ways my preferred method is raising the front of the car and removing the engine and trans as a whole unit. I found it easier and quicker by raising the car and supporting it with jack stands. Plus I could do most of the work myself. It just takes longer.

Either way you need to remove/disconnect all the different wiring and cables but you don't need to remove the hood unless you want to. Support the trans, I used a small movers dolly and the whole unit moves easily. Plus it is supported and pretty stable for most of the work you'll probably want to do.

A few months ago I had 2 grandsons, age 9 and 10, help with putting the unit back in the car. They helped lower the jack stands gradually and aided in making sure the gear shift fit into the opening. I believe it took us 30 minutes to lower the body and align the holes for the 4 bolts.
