View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 08-18-2013 02:03 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
This is certainly timely as I am working on this in the garage now. Trying to wire up a Pertronix distributor along with the Flamethrower coil with 3.0 ohms marked on the coil. The guy I got the car from ripped out the engine wiring harness trying to put a 4-cylinder SVO Ford engine in.

Jim, just so I completely understand what you said. The white/yellow wire from the starter solenoid to the coil is not needed and can be removed. Or are you talking about the white/yellow wire that should go from the ballast resistor to the + plus side of the coil?

If the second, that means that the white wire from the wiring harness socket can be connected to the + plus side of the coil.

I have the red wire from the Pertronix distributor going to the + plus side on the coil and the black wire going to the - negative side of the coil.