View single post by pearst
 Posted: 04-27-2013 10:04 pm
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Joined: 04-21-2012
Posts: 16
Greg Fletcher to the rescue! Greg sent me a very helpful email I wish to share:

That bolt only comes out one way, even cutting it won't help. I do have replacements if you need them, they sometimes get so rusty that new ones are required. You need to drop the front sub frame- If you've never done it, it sounds dreadful, but it's actually very easy. You'll need to jack up the car, put jack stands under the frame rails. Jack up the engine to take off the weight (jack from sump with an approx 1/2x8x8 inch pine wood piece between it and the jack to disperse the weight. Undo bolts at #34 right and left side (see diagram below) in the engine compartment. Undo bolts at #38 on the suspension outrigger and it drops right down. Before you do this you need to jack up (it helps to have two jacks at this point, an inexpensive one will do fine) each lower control arm a bit, unbolt the lower ball joint and carefully/slowly lower the arm with jack to uncompress the road spring. It's fiddly work, but otherwise a piece of cake, you don't need a spring compressor to get them in or out.