View single post by chrisl
 Posted: 12-17-2012 01:20 am
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Joined: 09-21-2006
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 114

I have a 1973 JH Mk1 with exactly the same oil leak problems you described. I preferred to keep the engine that came with the car and replace the seals but as others have said, it's entirely up to you what you want to do. I was offered a rebuilt engine from someone in the UK which was sorely tempting but I decided to stick with the old lump.

You can readily buy the seals needed for the job from the Club Store/Warehouse or even Ebay. I bought mine via the JHPS, except that the rope seal supplied was the wrong one (have given some feedback to Greg - in fairness this part isn't used too often!). On that, rather than cut corners, get the genuine Lotus rope seal (part number A907E60112). I got mine from Ross Hockley Autos in Sydney (see ) who is super helpful. The seal comes in a kit with some rather vague instructions, a metal plate and some goop labelled 'Ford' (!).

The job itself isn't too difficult, the engine needs to come out, bolted to an engine mount and, well, take it from there. A mechanic who might have worked on Lotus cars like the Espirit should be able to do the job, and might be easier to locate than you think. In my (albeit limited) experience if you can source and supply the parts they need, more are open to taking it on.

As an aside, my car whas now been off the road for over a year - the mechanic who originally took the engine out, took it to pieces but then went bust... Have found another who's taking it on but sheesh.  I think though that I was just unlucky - I don't have the time, space or expertise to do a job like this but have been let down on this occasion.