View single post by chrisl
 Posted: 10-12-2012 07:09 am
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Joined: 09-21-2006
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 114
OK, if you are ever required to do this, the answer is to install lap sash belts. Simple lap belts don't cut the mustard (down 'ere anyway).

There are anchor points for inertia reels on the floor pan in the rear cargo area, behind the seat that are hidden under two removable floor covers. They can't though be fitted without modifying the fuel tank. Not a good design but understandable for 1976 ... and not necessary anyway.

There are two additional anchor points on the roof where the top of the sash belt is attached to. These are hidden behind the panels that the interior lights are fitted to. They are easy to remove/replace. So that's what I've done.

Actually quite a neat way of being able to safely carry two more passengers - providing they are children (and don't need a booster or child seat....), jockeys, midgets or dwarves.... Perfect.

I'd post a picture but can't even figure out fotobucket so PM me if you want one!