View single post by dthewlis
 Posted: 09-05-2012 04:28 am
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Joined: 10-01-2007
Location: Dow's Prairie, California USA
Posts: 72
Pete Bahr passed me a link to Martin Robey Sales in the U.K.  Apparently they acquired most of the assets, including tooling, etc. from the Jensen company when it went into receivership, and they offer many JH (and Jaguar) parts newly manufactured.  I've ordered a lower steering coupler from them and will report on results; price should be about $58 including air post shipping from Coventry to California.

Update on 17 September.  The new steering coupler arrived late last week, about 10 days total.  Cost including shipping was $53.33 plus $1.42 foreign transaction fee charge by the credit card.  Picture below; I'm delighted. 

Attachment: DSCN0575.jpg (Downloaded 154 times)

Last edited on 09-18-2012 01:00 am by dthewlis