View single post by dthewlis
 Posted: 09-01-2012 02:03 am
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Joined: 10-01-2007
Location: Dow's Prairie, California USA
Posts: 72
Delta Motor Sports no longer has the lower steering coupler available.  They lost their rebuilder for the upper and lower couplers; they have a new one for the upper one (I'm writing 31 August 2012) but not for the lower at this point.

Does anyone have

(a) A source for replacement/rebuilt lower steering couplers
(b) An existing one in good condition

I'm in the market.  BTW If anyone knows of a source to rebuild them Delta MS would be very interested.

Dave Thewlis

P.S.  DMS price on a rebuilt upper steering coupler at the moment is $275 and your old one.