View single post by StevenD57
 Posted: 05-13-2012 09:48 pm
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Joined: 04-10-2009
Location: Hubbard, Ohio USA
Posts: 104
Latest photos of the modified 907 intakes showing fuel injection additions:

These photos show the fuel rail with high pressure (300psi) fuel lines with factory style banjo fittings, the throttle position sensor, the twin 2.125inch throttle bodies, and the way the fuel injectors mount into the intake so the fuel is sprayed directly down the intake port at the back side of the intake valve.

I ended up using some of the original linkage pieces from the OEM Zenith-Stromberg carb setup to properly connect the throttle shafts of the twin throttle bodies together while allowing for adjustment or any slight mis-alignment of the throttle bodies. Plus the original throttle cable should just hock right up with little or no modification.