View single post by John Finch
 Posted: 01-15-2012 03:10 pm
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John Finch


Joined: 08-01-2005
Location: Minneapolis MN
Posts: 122
Updated info for the Cam Carrier Counter Bore:

"The OLD, measured numbers I gave you back in ~2005

0.484" / 31/64” / 12.281 mm  Diameter, concentric about the oil passage.
0.075" / ~5/64” /   1.905 mm  Depth


However, I have since struck up an email friendship with an engineer at Lotus Engineering, and he's been very helpful about digging through the archives and finding old info for me.    One of the tidbits I asked for was the design dimensions for the O-ring c'bore.   The most notable dfference is that the spec depth is less than I measured on both of my engines (I don't know why... Quality Control??).   Too deep means the O-ring isn't sufficiently compressed to seal as well as it could.   Too shallow over-compresses the O-ring and crushes it.

FYI... the numbers I got from Brian at Lotus are:

O-Ring Counterbore Details:
.......... SPEC  METRIC   /  Calc'd Inch Decimal / approx inch fraction
Dia.   12.30 -12.44 mm  /  0.48425" - 0.48976" /  ~31/64" (.484375")
Depth  1.20 -  1.30 mm  /  0.04724" - 0.51181" /    ~3/64"  (.046875")

The factory service tool back in the day was a 31/64" cutter with a 11/32" pilot drill and a T-handle.   With that you could hand cut the c-bore (forget it, the OEM tool is now imposible to find).   Without that, any competent machine shop can cut a proper c’bore for you... as you have found."