View single post by Lash Russell
 Posted: 09-06-2011 03:06 pm
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Lash Russell

Joined: 07-23-2005
Location: Franktown, Colorado USA
Posts: 69
Anton, Art.

   This is opposite of the usual ride height request for feedback.  Usually the ride height is too high after a clubber has put in new shocks (gas charged) as well as new springs.  All of Art's recommendations are good for stock shock/spring arrangements.  I did notice on mine that with worn bushings on the front the ride height is a little lower on one side but as soon as I put in a set of KYB's that I had sitting around the height dramatically lifted, too much in my opinion.  I will be rebuilding my front suspension with new super=pro bushings, Delta uprated springs, and Bisteins (rear already done) and I hope the ride height settles down a bit.  I was told that even though the Bilsteins are gas charged, they don't pump up the ride height as much as the KYB's.  I hope this is right.

Food for thought Anton when you start planning to fix your suspension.
