View single post by timeforwalkies
 Posted: 08-03-2011 05:01 am
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Joined: 05-24-2006
Posts: 81
I couldn't take it any more.  The Delta exhaust was a terrible fit, hitting the axle and leaking, and was way to loud.  I finally took the car to a local shop and had them put in a 2 1/4 setup.  It fits perfect, no more load bangs when I hit a bump, and no more leaks.  I think it is still a bit on the loud side, but at least I can talk and be heard.  I think I can feel a bit more power with the 2 1/4 pipe set to the 2.2 conversion, but it is minimal at best.
Still don't understand how BMW and Audi seem to get so much power with so little noise.  Maybe that's the difference between a $1000.00 system and a $300.00 system.