View single post by edward_davis
 Posted: 07-13-2005 05:38 pm
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Joined: 07-06-2005
Location: Eugene, Oregon USA
Posts: 162
I'm trying to get all of the gremlins out of the lighting systems on my 74 JH, and I was curious whether there is a reliable source for replacement switches, or if someone knows of switches that I can fit into the dashboard. 

Also, the plastic ring on my turnsignal/ wiper lever assembly, the one that holds it onto the steering column, is broken.  All of the switches in the assembly seem to work, but I have had to wedge it in place with spare bits of rubber.  Are there replacement assemblies available?  Is there a fix to my broken ring that someone else has come up with?

Finally, in a sort of humorous vein, when I push in the wiper lever, which should activate the windshield washer, my tachometer is pinned above 8000.  I can also hear the little pump motor going....  Any ideas why that might be happening?