View single post by SpeedyMitch
 Posted: 02-14-2011 04:42 am
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Joined: 12-17-2009
Location: Hailey, Idaho USA
Posts: 83
Jensen Healey wrote: Motor Honey? I would have thought Redline MT for a guy like you!

Jeez, only 40 something posts and I'm already getting a reputation...

However, in just this case you got me pegged. I already tried Royal Purple Synchromax synthetic manual transmission fluid. This stuff works great in my "other" manual transmission. But the JH does not take manual transmission fluid in the manual transmission. It uses regular engine oil. The synthetic stuff is too thin and the transmission would hardly shift.

With only a few trips around town I will say that the Jensen shifts *slightly* smoother and the transmission is *slightly* quieter. Any change could easily be attributed to the desire to justify spending $15 on VR1 + honey to replace the VR1 that had been in the transmission for only about 2000 miles.