View single post by Lash Russell
 Posted: 02-07-2011 02:49 pm
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Lash Russell

Joined: 07-23-2005
Location: Franktown, Colorado USA
Posts: 69
Hi Mitch,

   IMHO thisis one of those no-brainer tasks, not really worth thinking about.  If you don't know the service history or when the last U-joint was put in (could very likely be the original from the factory), I'd just replace them anyway.  I think I paid $18 per U-joint and installed them myself on my old shaft.  As far as certain projects on the JH go, relatively somple and inexpensive.  Make sure to drain tranny first on the four speed!!!!  Can be a bit finniky (SP?) getting the U-joints into the collar (make sure roller pins/bearings don't fall out of the caps or get misaligned during installation).  This is a job you can do yourself if you have a bench vise and some sockets (for pressing the caps in) and basic tools, and of course patience.  If you haven't done this before and don't want to deal with it and want a tranny shop to do it I don't think it would cost too much.  End result, U-joint issues pretty much eliminated for likely the life of your car.

Good luck,
