Brett, thanks for the kudos....... As you know, I'm happy to support the JH owners. You know the three guys that got the last batch and they're happy as a pig in mud wallow.
Just a few comments:
- Because of machine shop set-up time it is not cost effective to do less than three units at a time.
- Yes, the Nylon bushings are the worst offender, but there are two other important joints that must also be addressed. You can see the new bronze bushings at the end of the aluminum casting. Also the 0.235 pin holes are always hourglass shaped and require re-machining and an appropriate sized new, case-hardened pin.
- Rebuilding the shifter takes lots of my time making measurements of all the parts, and sometimes requiring new drawings for special cases.
- JH community is lucky that I've found a small machine shop that will take the jobs I bring in - but I'm not generally on top of their priority list ! ! !
- I don't like to personally promote my stuff, lest folks think I'm funding my retirement with these sales. As I said above, I do this to support the JH owners who either don't have the time or the knowledge to personally accomplish these tasks.
Hopefully, Jason's post will yield a couple of more interested owners.
Attachment: 14 Lube ready sm.jpg (Downloaded 26 times)