View single post by pbahr
 Posted: 01-07-2011 03:54 am
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Joined: 04-15-2005
Location: Phoenixville, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 202
Hey Pete,

Not sure what the RHD cars have as Damper location - should be same as LHD.

I've re-checked my design calculations and measurements from 6 years ago, and just now measured an old OEM damper.  What concerned me the most was that you measured 1.50 total travel, vs. my measurement of 0.500 - that's a big difference.

What I find is:
  • Assembled length = 6.125"
  • Damper total travel = 0.500"
    • 5.875" - 6.375"
  • Damper max extension = 6.375"
I've provided at least 5 Kits to RHD cars and have had no comments about bad fitment.

Perhaps you have a configuration that is not OEM.......